EURope Asia – LIMMS

Network on energy, bioengineering and quantum & molecular technologies

The EURA-LIMMS project aims to create a Europe-Asia network for the development of innovative technologies in energy, bioengineering, and molecular sciences. Our objective is to revive the success of the NAMIS network supported by the CNRS, by adapting the themes to actual key research topics in Engineering and with a restricted number of partners.


The project

  • Axes - Technologies for health, energy, and quantum and Molecular technologies.
  • Education of young scientists - Winter and summer schools & topical workshops.
  • Networking - Connections for short- or long-term visits, projects, and the recruitment of PhD or post-doctoral researchers.
  • Industrial Partners - Interaction with startups and large companies to foster technological implementation. Industry partners can take advantage of this Europe/Asia network with leading research labs for their strategic development and provide a financial support to the network.


This workshop is the kick-off of the EURALIMMS International Research Network between CNRS (France), Tokyo University (Japan), NTU (Taïwan), Helmoltz (Germany), NTU & NUS (Singapore), EPFL (Switzerland), SNU (South Korea), Twente (The Netherlands):

Summer school

Summer school will be held in Porquerolles, France. The dates will be announced later.