Europe/Asia Workshop on Energy, Bioengineering and Quantum & Molecular technologies (EURALIMMS 2024)

October 10-11, 2024 - Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Hideaki Tojo

Life Science, Division of University Corporate Relations, The University of Tokyo

How do we find-out promising academic technologies for emerging medical innovation?

Pharmaceutical companies frequently enhance their R&D activities by in-licensing from late-stage technologies of biotech companies, but usually not from early-stage opportunities in academia. This is because there are some kinds of “uncalculated risks” in early-stage technologies on business points of view although academic technologies are cutting-edge in general. Understanding the “uncalculated risks” as well as thinking through their potential mitigation plans should be very important for academic innovation. From this perspective, we are conducting a talent development program for pharmaceutical companies to find-out promising academic opportunities among our comprehensive medical-related technology list in the University of Tokyo.